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The Unemployed Professors Difference

Highly educated college essay writers

With so many essay writers across the web yearning to provide content for astonishingly low prices, how can you choose a provider? Anyone can claim they’re the best. But we have the numbers and experience to prove it. Our professors have completed over 90 thousand custom written essays over the last 11 years. We are the best, and we’ve been in business for over a decade.

What makes us different? The Unemployed Professors difference comes from every facet of the company, from our hiring practices to our customer service to our organizational culture. Each of these aspects represents a big difference from the competition. The Unemployed Professors difference comes from our highly educated writers, whom we value as skilled professionals.

All of our writers have verified postgraduate degrees, teaching experience, and written publications. We also verify English skills and only hire native or near-native English speakers. We value their skills and pay them accordingly. We encourage them to charge rates that reflect their extensive experience, skills, and talent. We believe that if you don’t race to the bottom with your writers’ pay, like virtually every content provider or platform does these days, you attract and retain the best talent. The long tenure of many of our essay writers attests to the mutual benefit of this practice.
But that’s not all.

Dedication to Customer service

The Unemployed Professors difference also comes from our dedication to customer service – we don’t have those annoying chat bots, and we never will. Customer service is our guiding principle and our biggest goal. We have policies, but we treat each situation on a case-by-case basis instead of a cookie-cutter approach to customer satisfaction. And because we’re so dedicated to the customer, we don’t charge you anything to post your essay, like many of our competitors do.

Whether you’re concerned about finding the right essay writer for a project or really need revisions crazy fast, we’re solution-oriented and the only solution we accept is your satisfaction – or maybe even outright bliss. We’re not for the monarchy per se, but when we say the customer is king, we really mean it. And then we can go write a 1000-word essay on the problematic nature of the monarchy. CheckMATE, Upwork and Fiverr drones!

We are not Essay writing clone bots

Which brings us to another way your experience here will be different: The Unemployed Professors Difference also comes from our sparkling sense of humor, which balances out our unique ability to rabidly dive into the deepest depths of any subject. We take our work and our clients’ satisfaction seriously, but we also have fun. We take what we do seriously, not ourselves. At the end of the day we’re just a bunch of over-educated nerds whose heads are overstuffed with trivia. We love puns, we love dad jokes, and we can’t resist dropping in a good pop culture reference now and again (and again). Hey, after decades in a windowless branch of a forgotten library wing with only shadow puppets to entertain you (a la Plato’s Allegory of the Cave), you’d be a little punch-drunk, too. Compare that to the soul-deadening content provider marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr. Have you ever chuckled at a goddamn thing on their sites?

Enough Said

So that's the Unemployed Professors difference: We’ve got the best essay writers, whom we value as partners instead of temporary tools to use while we hone our algorithms. We care about our customers enough to work hard to make them happy. And we’re funny AF. Can a bumbling Bangladeshi writer on Fiverr or high schooler willing to write essays for “exposure” say the same?