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How To Write A Descriptive Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

Unemployed Professors is an international leader in custom academic essays. Founded in 2011 as a joint venture between a business major and a PhD candidate, Unemployed Professors has been providing high quality and plagiarism free custom essays, custom dissertations, custom research paper, custom descriptive essays and custom discussion board posts for over a decade. During this time, our approach to writing has evolved to reflect the changing nature of the assignments that college and university professors use to evaluate their students. Nevertheless, all of our Unemployed Professors continue to hold graduate degrees and are vetted to ensure that they have previous teaching experience. Because Unemployed Professors writers used to assign these types of essays to their own students, you can be sure that they know how to write them to the highest level of quality without plagiarism.

Continue reading below for Unemployed Professors’ guide to writing a descriptive essay. If you need assistance with a custom essay, custom research paper, custom descriptive essay or custom thesis, come and post it on our free, easy, and intuitive bidding platform now at Unemployed Professors.



The core feature of a descriptive essay is quite simply that it describes something. When your professor assigns you to write a descriptive essay, they are testing your ability to write in a coherent manner and your ability to organize your thoughts as it pertains to describing something. In writing a descriptive essay, you might be asked to describe yourself, something that is around you or something imaginary. Regardless, the focus on structure description is the main characteristic of a descriptive essay and is something that you must remain concentrated on as you write your descriptive essay.

Writing a descriptive essay requires that you understand that your main task is to ensure that your reader is capable of visualizing or imagining what you are writing about. This means that you can use your five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch to describe whatever you have chosen to focus writing your descriptive essay on. A vivid description is one of the core goals of writing a descriptive essay and the more perspectives of description that you provide when writing your descriptive essay, the better your grade will be, as long as you maintain appropriate organization of your descriptive essay.

For most descriptive essays, your professor will assign you a topic to write about so that it makes it easier for them to grade descriptive essays in comparison to each other. At other times, you will be allowed to choose your topic when you write a descriptive essay. If this is the case, choose an item, experience or other phenomenon that you are familiar with when writing your descriptive essay. This will make it much easier to write a descriptive essay as you will be able to describe something that you know and/or care about. Because writing a descriptive essay on something you are not familiar with makes it more difficult to build a strong perspective, always opt to write a descriptive essay on a topic or phenomenon that is familiar to you when this is possible.

Ultimately, the descriptive essay is a very simple form of essay writing. What makes writing a descriptive essay challenging is the fact your are actually moving away from the traditional essay structure that you have been taught to write an essay. Because a descriptive essay is less formal and does not make use of sources, you may believe that you are not writing your descriptive essay properly. Remember! The most important elements of writing a descriptive essay are ensuring that you are putting forth a thesis or perspective, that you are providing a vivid description, and that your description is well organized.



The first step in writing any descriptive essay is to choose what you are going to describe. While the topic of your descriptive essay will sometimes be provided by your teacher or professor, you will sometimes get to choose your own topic when writing a descriptive essay. Like every other essay, writing a descriptive essay requires that you have a thesis. This said, the thesis will not be as explicit as when you are writing a standard academic essay. Instead, the thesis of a descriptive essay will represent the core element of the entity you are describing. This thesis should be placed within your introduction and, even though your supporting body paragraphs may not all be associated with this core element, they should all refer back to this core element in some way. Writing a descriptive essay thus very much involves using a thesis but this thesis might be less obvious than in writing a traditional essay.

Once you have created your core idea or feature, you should write your descriptive essay by using body paragraphs that break down the different elements of what you are describing in a logical or coherent way. For example, if you are writing a descriptive essay on a dog in the traditional five paragraph format, you might wish to use the first body paragraph to describe how the dog looks, use the second body paragraph to describe how the dog behaves, and use the third body paragraph to describe how the dog interacts with people. You can then tie these different elements of the dog you are writing about in your descriptive essay to the core element of the dog that represents your thesis. This thesis could range from the idea that the dog loves people and food to the idea that the dog is sad and depressed because it is stuck at the pound.

Finally, and while the example of the dog provided above is very simple, it reflects the core logic of any descriptive essay. When you are writing a descriptive essay, you are using themes, characteristics, and elements of what you are describing to build an aggregated portrait of the entity in question. Writing a descriptive essay means that logically organizing your description of what you are describing is critical. While your professor will certainly be grading you on how vivid your description is and how well you have used grammar, writing a descriptive essay is also an exercise in organization and this is something that will strongly affect the grade that you get for your descriptive essay.



When writing a descriptive essay, your professor will typically assign you a style guide and referencing style. In most cases, you will write your descriptive essay in MLA style. While APA or Chicago styles are often used in writing descriptive essays, MLA is the predominant style because most descriptive essays are written in English classes. This said, writing a descriptive essay typically does not require the use of outside sources. You should only use them in writing your descriptive essay if your teacher or professors tells you to. Otherwise, simply use an MLA formatting template to organize your paper prior to submission to get full marks.

Once you have formatted your descriptive essay in MLA format or as otherwise suggested by your professor, it is important to make sure that your descriptive essay is well organized. Go over the paragraphs that you have written and make sure that each paragraph you have written in your descriptive essay focuses on one element of the description, and that it ties back to your thesis. Because organization is something you are graded on when you write a descriptive essay, reviewing this element of formatting is critical for getting the best possible grade on your descriptive essay.


While writing a descriptive essay involves the same techniques that you would use when you write a traditional academic essay, several critical differences exist between a traditional essay and a descriptive essay. First, when writing a descriptive essay, it is very rare that you will use sources. Second, writing a descriptive essay does not require the same type of analysis that you would make use of when presenting sources in a traditional academic essay. Third, writing a descriptive essay means that you will not be using a formal and explicit thesis of the same type that you when writing a traditional academic essay. You will instead write a descriptive essay by focusing on a key element of what you are describing as your thesis. Finally, writing a descriptive essay means that you are deviating from the traditional essay model as you might occasionally use the first person to refer to how what you are describing relates back to you.

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