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Finding Great Nursing Essay Writers:
Unemployed Professors' Perspective, Tips For Writing Nursing Essays, & Q&A



Memorizing tons of information, learning critical processes, and developing skills for working under pressure - often with difficult people. And then there are the patients!

It's stressful, but you already knew that.

Once you're finally all done, you might end up in some continuing education class that is heavy on "continuing" and light on "education."

At Unemployed Professors, we're very familiar with the unique stressors that nursing students face.

We provide a world-renowned writing service, but to appreciate it, you need to understand our view on the value we add. You also need to understand how we approach nursing essays. This guide explores why students use nursing essay writing services and our philosophy on providing this essay service.

The guide also features our best tips for writing. These tips from our own professional writers will help you develop as a writer. We'll also discuss common requirements for your typical nursing research paper; expose some scammy writing services, and more. At the end, you'll find extensive questions and answers.

Why students choose a nursing essay writing service

People shudder in horror when they learn just how many nursing projects and essays that writing services like ours get, but they haven't seen the tasks that are assigned to nursing students or nurses in continuing education, especially in online nursing programs. Many nursing school and continuing nursing education projects, papers, and assignments are frankly busywork.

We don't know about you, but we'd rather have nurses who can do CPR and administer IV's than respond to pointless web forum discussion posts. "I liked your post this week. It really made me think..." is not what you want to hear when you're bleeding out. Sure, these aren't mutually exclusive skills, but wouldn't you rather have your loved one under the care of a nurse who excelled at critical nursing skills more than easy busywork?

Sadly, not all schools or continuing ed designers seem to agree. A nursing writing service lets students outsource the busywork so they can focus on developing the content knowledge and nursing skills that they really need.

Some nursing students use writing services because they want to find a tutor who can meet their unique needs. These folks often squeeze in school around a full-time job, childcare, or other obligations. Many hail from different countries and are native speakers of languages that their school does not teach in, which can complicate their unique learning needs. Often, online nursing schools advertise themselves as convenient for non-traditional nursing students, but the resources they offer might not be realistic for working students' schedules. And at many schools, those resources do not even exist.

A nursing essay writing service helps these nursing students understand their assignments and course content. These students can run their ideas by someone with writing - and often nursing - expertise. These students want to work with nursing writing services because they want expert writers to show them how to write excellent nursing papers; these nursing students might focus on data collection while the nursing essay writer nurtures their prose.

In these situations, the nursing assignment writing service is a tutoring service that proofreads, helps the student generate ideas, and more. This nursing paper writing service is an educational tool that fills in the gaps where school services fall short.

The writers at the best of these services know how to write an excellent nursing paper. But this is a skill that can be developed.

Keep reading for the top tips from the world's best professional nursing essay writers.

How to Write an Excellent Nursing Paper: Advice from Experts

We're not secretive here (though we are discreet and consider our clients' information to be sacrosanct). We've written thousands of nursing papers and essays. We are confident in our own skills and experience with nursing homework and writing, so here: Have some free nursing essay help based on our extensive writing wisdom.

Love us or hate us, we want you to succeed. Keep reading for our best writers' top 10 nursing essay tips (in no particular order).

1. Nursing papers need very narrow, specific topics

When our clients struggle with nursing essays, it's usually because they aren't experienced writers and struggle with writing assignments. Often, they begin with an overly broad topic. Narrow down your research question. Then narrow it down some more.

This tip is less relevant if you're stuck writing some silly, vague busywork nursing assignment, but for your own development, pick a useful topic that will aid you in your nursing practice.

Yet a topic is not the same as the PICOT question - even though PICOT can help you refine your topic.

2. Know and love PICOT

Although the PICOT is often reduced to a silly worksheet, it forms the backbone of most nursing term papers. That includes both the ones you write and the articles you consult to write them.

Try to understand each source through the framework of the PICOT, even if it is not explicitly stated in the source. This can help you take better notes and understand the sources you use, and eventually, the topics you write about.

3. Writing a nursing research paper simulates actual research

What does this mean? 99% of the people looking for tips on writing nursing papers won't be conducting original research. The mere logistics of conducting a study on human subjects go way beyond the scope of one semester. It's very unlikely that an undergraduate nursing student would be given clearance to independently conduct studies on human subjects.

Many assignments, particularly nursing capstone projects, require research design or proposing mock research studies. Yet the closest most students will ever come to original research is a literature review.

Why does this matter? First, you don't have to worry about actually getting research plans approved. That means no worries about research budgets! Second, it means a lot of nursing papers and nursing assignments more grounded in theory and literature than in generating original data.

Knowing nursing theory will help you with most nursing assignments. And you're in luck - it's our next tip.

4. Consider nursing theories at all levels

ICYMI: There are multiple layers of nursing theories. These layers are "grand," middle-range, and practice-level. Nursing theories apply abstraction to nursing that makes ideas and processes portable into different contexts.
The best nursing essay writing involves using theory from each level.


"Grand" theories are abstract and broad, and usually implement systemic ideas about nursing itself. Example: Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory.


Middle-range theories are more concrete, and tend to be more qualitative than practice-level theories. Example: Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory.


Practice-level theory focuses on what you might expect: Theories that have impact the day-to-day patient care that makes up the bulk of nursing work. These theories are often intended for specific situations. Example: Meleis' Theory of Care Transition.

5. Nursing care plan writing may seem straightforward, but it's also theoretical

nursing assignment to write a care plan can be intimidating: Care plans tend to be long, tedious, and repetitive. It might seem counterproductive to spend all this time writing stuff that seems perfectly common sense instead of actually providing care, but the care plan is a very important document.

In real life, that is. When it's a school assignment, it can be harder to take seriously. Throw in the fear of plagiarism, and there are lots of moving parts to these plans.

Yet care plans are not just boilerplate. You have to incorporate some theory, usually a practice-level one. We've seen many students get stuck here.

6. Despite all this theory, nursing papers are fundamentally about practice

Especially in higher level courses, nursing papers often ask you to do something tricky: Demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of theory and domain-specific information (i.e., psychology) while also grounding the work in practice implications. That's a lot to ask from any research paper, especially if you're not used to writing long texts. This is where theories at all levels can help. A nursing paper can feel like a circus juggling act because of all these contradictory requirements, but once you get the hang of it, it gets easier.

7. Be fast and brutal if your goal is just to get the nursing paper done

Often, nursing paper instructions will require you to pick one theory, or to use a specific theory. But if they don't require a specific theory, just use a middle-range one. If you're just writing for a requirement and you have a choice, pick a middle-ground theory and consider the applications and implications for practice. Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory is a nice one. Just use that the next time you're stuck on a nursing assignment.

8. Most nursing research papers are for, and reflect the perspectives of, nurse researchers, educators, and academics

Why does this matter? We assume you're writing to fulfill a school requirement instead of your own research. If you're already conducting independent research, we salute you, and you're probably not the target audience for this guide (but we hope you've found something useful here, especially if you've read this far!).

Whenever you write, you need to think about your audience. Almost by definition, the nurses who teach or conduct research will be more attenuated to research and writing than nurses with different career focuses would.

That's not a value judgment. It's the truth. Philosophies and values differ within any profession, so try to recognize that the priorities of nurse researchers and educators may not align with your approach to nursing essay writing.

You can develop a plan of attack if you know that educators might value precise writing, research, and theory more than your shift manager.

9. Your nursing paper is just a paper

It can be a relief to accept that this is just an assignment. Don't get caught up in the desire for perfection (But don't be content with mediocrity, either). If you read a professional nursing research paper, you'll notice the data are much more important than the writing. This is even true when it comes to qualitative nursing research. It's rare to come across a nursing journal article that is a pleasure to read.

There are many great nurses who aren't brilliant writers. Many, if not most, of those great nurses have saved more lives than brilliant writers have.

You are not your writing skills.

10. Save your sanity: Use a citation app

Sadistic professors love to ding students for piddling formatting errors in APA (or any other format). You're too busy for that. Use a free, highly-regarded app like Zotero or Mendeley to do it.

That's it. That's the whole tip.

The Nursing Paper Writing Service Offered by Unemployed Professors

Unemployed Professors has been in business since 2011, and in that time, we've written tens of thousands of essays and research papers for nurses. We know what a quality nursing essay looks like and we pride ourselves on producing the very best papers possible.

When you pick one of our professional writers, you get to name your own price, outline your specifics, and talk with them along the way. We work with and develop your ideas to develop a resource that can help you excel at your nursing homework and research papers.

At Unemployed Professors, we have experts in every field - including nursing experts. This enriches our ability to provide the world's best nursing essay writing services. In addition to working with nursing experts, you could connect with writers who boast expertise in relevant areas: We've got experts in public health, sociology, gender, law, education, and more. These fresh perspectives could give your writing an edge.

Any of them could enrich your understanding of nursing through both their extensive background in writing and teaching and in their domain knowledge, which intersects with nursing.

Our philosophy: We're not here to just write a nursing research paper and peace out. We're building a relationship of trust with our clients. It might start with coaching on a nursing application essay, and continue with tutoring for nursing classes, term papers, capstones, study guides for exams, and more. That's why so many of our clients come back again and again: They come to us not just for nursing paper help, but because they know we're cheering for them.

We care, and we're legit. That's the Unemployed Professors Difference ™.

Keep reading - if you're in the mood for horror - about some of the other nursing writing services that are out there.

Finding a Nursing Paper Writing Service that's High-Quality - or Even Just Legit - is Hard

There are lots of scammers claiming to provide online nursing essays, How can you evaluate the nursing writing services you see? Which ones are a good fit for you? Which ones should you be wary of? Let's explore the risks of using unproven amateurs to write instead of a professional nursing essay writer.

If your nursing paper isn't up to par, there are serious consequences that could impact your ability to practice or continue to obtain a license. You can't risk a nursing paper service that lacks the skills to help you. We've done extensive research on many competing writing services, and our ten-plus years in business means we know what to look for when evaluating an essay writing service of any kind. The results may surprise you.

Can you find legit nursing writing services on Fiverr?

Fiverr can be good for some things, but I wouldn't want anyone there to write my nursing paper. There are no good nursing paper writers on there. Between Fiverr's suspiciously low prices, rapid turnover, and the lack of accountability on the platform, you'll waste half your time just trying to find someone trustworthy, and even if you do, they'll probably be gone in a week anyway.

Does Nursing Writing Services offer legit nursing writing services?

There's a company by this name with a site written in broken English, with no social media, and no reviews on their own site. There are fake reviews, but you can't trust fiction, now, can you? Their site also has potential security and safety issues. Their phone number is linked to a variety of shady, now-defunct writing sites. They offer "Afforadability" (as they put it), but would you really trust writing services from a site like that? Lots of SiteJabber users apparently did, and they regret it.

Is a legit essay writing service?

first, this site might look legit. features logos and names from famous nursing schools all over its homepage. The SiteJabber and Trustpilot reviews might also initially seem trustworthy, but notice how vague most of them are. Most are not from North American users. They use SEO keyword "stuffing" and include the same usernames as the Trustpilot reviews. Smells like purchased reviews!

Do a Google Lens search of their writers' pictures. They're stock photos. Oh, and the company phone number is fake. Knowing that, who's looking at and thinking, "these are the best nursing paper writers out there" ? Yeah, we thought so.


Are there good nursing assignment writers at Nursing Writing Agency?

This site is anything but a professional nursing writing service. They claim they were "voted the best essay service 2022." ...By whom? Their moms? There's no social media. Their FAQs include copy pasta directly from Reddit and other prose lovingly mangled by, we can only assume, someone whose interest in nursing writing assignments must have been sparked by recovery from a traumatic brain injury.

The lone review on SiteJabber seems suspicious, and their own "reviews" page is blank. Strange, considering they were supposed to be the best essay service in 2022. They also claim to have had over 1.5 million "happy customers." There are a lot of people who buy nursing essays out there, but 1.5 million sounds kind of high.

1.5 million...that's more than the entire population of Cyprus. It's almost half the number of nursing jobs available in the United States. If you're one of the 1.5 million happy users who constitute the secret nation of Nursing Writing Agency customers who haven't been ripped off, get in touch. We'll wait.


What About Nursing Essay Writing Service?

Nursing Essay Writing Service is another shady site with fake reviews. They, too, lack socials and use fake writer pictures. Nursing Essay Writing Service (they missed an opportunity to call themselves NEWS) looks almost identical to some of the other competitors, right down to the site design. Steer clear of this one.

So, who CAN help write my nursing paper?

These are only a few of the options that nursing students have regretted using. Why waste your time, money, and sanity trying to get a high quality nursing paper from idiots? They say you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear....You can't make Shakespeare, or a great nursing assignment, out of Google Translate gibberish. You can't get high-quality nursing papers from the marginally literate.

As we've seen, many companies claiming to offer nursing essay help feature terrible writing on their own sites...lack social media...and have suspicious patterns of reviews on allegedly third-party, neutral review sites. If this is how they treat their own brands, imagine what they'll do with your information.

We've covered a lot in this guide, but you've probably still got questions. Check out the Q&A.

If there's some issue you'd like us to unpack further, or if you have another question, please get in touch!

Online Nursing Writing Services: Questions & Answers

You've got questions about nursing essay writing services. We've got answers. For your convenience, we have compiled the questions people tend to ask often. You'll find them, and our answers, below.

People like you have asked these questions about nursing papers and nursing paper writing services

But you don't need to search, because we've got all the answers right here!

What is the best nursing paper writing service?

Without a doubt, Unemployed Professors is the best nursing paper writing service. Next question!

How much does it cost to hire a writer for an essay?

The cost of a custom essay varies widely based on the deadline, complexity, and your role in the process. That said, you should be suspicious of low prices offered by questionable custom writing services. It won't be quality work.

The cost of a professionally written essay would probably start at about $30 per 250 words. Anything less is definitely not coming from professional nursing assignment writers.

Is there essay writing in nursing?

It depends on the specific field, but there is a difference between academic or research nursing and educating pre-practice nurses, and most practice nursing. Naturally, the former will have a lot more writing than the latter. Yet most nurses do at least some care plan writing - and most nursing homework involves at least some writing.

How do you write a nursing essay?

The best way to begin writing a nursing essay is the PICOT: Population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and timeframe. Once you lock that down, the rest is easy!

Can you get caught using an essay writer?

Caught for doing what? It depends what you do with the essay. If the custom nursing essay you order is used as intended, i.e., as a study document for your own reference while writing, there's nothing to be "caught" doing.

What should I write about in my nursing essay or nursing assignment?

Write about a topic that interests you! Explore a type of nursing you're interested in pursuing, or a topic relevant to your life, job, or interests. Or just pick "asthma" or "community health nursing" since they're at the beginning of the alphabet.

Is online nursing papers legit?

The grammar of that question aside, the relative "legitness" of various nursing paper writing services exists on a large spectrum. Some are total scams. Others are well-intended, but they don't provide professional deliverables. Only a few are legit enough to have survived for years.

Are essay writing services legal?

Ghostwriting isn't illegal. However, if you literally tell someone, "Write my nursing paper, or I'll hurt you!" then, yes, that is definitely illegal. Don't do that. If you use a custom-written paper as intended, i.e., as a learning aid, then there's no question about legality. Generally, the copyright of a custom written research paper or essay is transferred to the client upon completion. It's your responsibility to follow rules at your school or workplace.

This is not legal advice.

Are there any legit paper writing services?

Yes - a few! When looking for legit paper writing services, look for companies that have been operating under the same name for a while. Look for services by companies with social media and verifiable media coverage.

What kind of papers do you write in nursing school?

If you want to be a nursing student, prepare to do some writing. Some common kinds of papers in nursing school are care plans, research proposals, ethical assessments, research analyses, and literature reviews. Many degrees conclude with a nursing capstone project or nursing dissertation. A shadow health assessment is also a popular writing task.

However, professors are famous for inventing new forms of writing just to torture you with, so check back occasionally to see if we've missed any!

Can I pay someone to write nursing papers for me?

Yes, you can! It's a capitalist society. You can pay anyone to do damn near anything.

Can you get caught using ChatGPT to write an essay?

Yes, you can. Many tools can identify AI writing, a and professors aren't as oblivious as they seem. Soon, there will be coded "watermarks" in AI writing. Besides, ChatGPT is very limited: It can't do research and it makes up sources. So think twice before you command it, "Write my nursing essay!"

For a deeper dive into the role of AI, check out our blog article about the risks of AI writing.

Thanks for reading. We offer the best nursing essay writing help because of great clients like you!