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How do the professors make your papers go away

We put words in your mouth through a simple, four-step process. Check it out:

Place an order

Get a lame-ass project from your Professor. Select the paper subject, number of pages, type, and format, and the deadline. Specify your instructions and attach additional materials.

Select a writer

Watch, in amazement, as our Unemployed Professors voraciously outbid each other on your project. Select a professors, Deposit funds to your account and relax as your professor starts on your project.

Track your project

Check your paper and ask for changes if necessary. Use the online chat to communicate with your professor and upload extra materials if necessary.

Receive your paper

Receive your completed project and release the funds to the professor when you are satisfied.
Party! (or sleep)

What can our ghostwriters do?

More like, what can’t our ghostwriters do? As long as it’s legal, we can write basically anything. From response papers to midterms and final essays, all the way to dissertations and thesis chapters, we’ll write it for you based on your custom specifications. With Master’s and Doctoral level experts specializing in disciplines running the gamut from Anthropology to Zoology, we have all of the custom academic solutions that you’ll need to complete those projects which are infringing on your personal time.

How fast can our writers deliver your paper?

We work on the ethos of the market. Almost anything, save for reversing the linearity of time, is possible. We’ve done entire theses in under 24 hours. We’ve done term papers in two hours. Not that this was fun. We think everyone stays happiest and healthiest if there’s at least 24 hours to turn around projects – or more if the project’s exceptionally long or complex. But no matter what, as long as your deadline is not actually in the past, try posting.

Get the biggest bang out of your ghostwriting buck by following these tips:

We know for a fact there are still things to write about Shakespeare, and we’re living proof.
Try us. You won’t be disappointed.