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Custom Thesis Writing Services By Unemployed Professors is a company that provides college and university thesis writing services and offers the best prices on the market. Unlike many other writing services, our writers are real unemployed professors who know how to structure and research a THESIS. We can provide you with professional help, whether for admissions essays, case studies, research papers, dissertations or just general essays.

Custom Thesis Writing Services is a company that provides college and university thesis writing services and offers the best prices on the market. Unlike many other writing services, our writers are real unemployed professors who know how to structure and research a thesis. We can provide you with professional help, whether for admissions essays, case studies, research papers, dissertations or just general essays.

Whether you’re writing a thesis for an undergraduate degree or a Master’s, we know full well that the expanded scope and original research requirements of a thesis can be daunting. Moreover, considering that you’re expected to produce this thesis on your own, while completing your regular coursework, we are well attuned to the realities underlying why so many students come to Unemployed Professors for custom thesis projects. We know that a thesis is two things. First, it’s a way to culminate your degree program by putting your personal touch on an area of scholarship that’s important to you. Second, we know that it’s also a deeply problematic element, in terms of length and research requirements, for students who are completing this type of assignment for the first time.

Unlike other essay services providers, we have writers based in Australia, New Zealand, North America, and Western Europe; therefore, you're assured of quality analytical essays from writers whose native language is English. We also ensure the writer's credentials are verified to prove their expertise. We also have a unique way to hire writers where we use a referral from current writers to get qualified writers from their network. UnemployedProfessors hires writers with degrees and PhDs who have worked at the university level to ensure our clients get the best services.

what is an essay


A thesis is fundamentally a very long essay that you are writing as the final step in obtaining a degree. Writing a thesis is often required to obtain a master’s degrees. Additionally, writing a thesis is necessary for some undergraduate programs, especially honor programs. Fundamentally, a thesis is an extended research paper and you should take the essay-based approach that you would adopt for a research paper when writing a thesis. This said, and depending on whether you are writing your thesis for a graduate or undergraduate degree, additional expectations will be placed on you regarding how you write your thesis. For a Master’s thesis, you will be expected to engage in at least some original research regarding the topic you have chosen. In writing your thesis, you must effectively present this original research and tie it in with the existing literature. In contrast, an undergraduate thesis, whether associated with an honors program or not, typically requires that you do nothing more than engage in extensive research using the existing literature on a given topic to produce a long form research paper that the school will refer to as an undergraduate thesis.

When you are writing a thesis, you will either be assigned a thesis supervisor or a thesis supervisory committee that is normally made up of your supervisor and two to four additional professors. You have a significant degree of choice regarding the make-up of your thesis committee. If you are committed to academia, you should try to pick a thesis supervisor that you believe has a good reputation in your field, and who will be able to help you in conducting your research, and in then writing letters of recommendation for the job market or further studies. If you just want to finish your thesis as fast as possible to get your degree, you are better off choosing the most easy-going professor that you have encountered in school. Often, these tend to be older professors who are close to retirement and who will essentially rubber-stamp your thesis. While your mileage may vary in terms of writing your thesis and choosing a thesis supervisor, the advice above reflects the experience of our unemployed professors.

Choosing a topic in collaboration with an unemployed professor can ensure that you are writing on a subject that fits with your program and the expectations of your supervisor and institution. This said, remember that you will have to discuss your thesis with your supervisor and be able to understand what your thesis is claiming and how it is validating this claim. Unlike a mere research paper, you must always be able to understand your thesis and be able to explain it to your professor. Whether or not you have to defend your thesis after you write it, this is critical so that you are not accused of plagiarism.


Writing a thesis is a very significant endeavor that is far more significant in length and scope than a simple research paper. The first step is to evidently choose your topic. If you are an undergraduate who is writing an honor’s thesis or general thesis, you will want to talk to your thesis advisor about topics that they would like you to write about. Because your thesis advisor or supervisor will play a critical role in grading your thesis, you will want to pick a topic that your advisor is interested in. Once you have selected your topic, you should conduct a literature review so that you can then develop the thesis that you will be putting forth in your thesis. From there, the combination of your thesis and the existing literature will allow you to determine what type of original research you might need to conduct so as to complete writing your thesis.

Depending on how long your thesis is, you should either break it up into sections by using headings or break it down into chapters. For a thesis that is less than thirty pages, you should write it using headings. In contrast, for a thesis that is significantly longer than thirty pages, you should use chapters unless your advisor tells you otherwise. Given that writing a thesis is like writing a long research paper, you will use these headings or chapters to allow the reader to better understand your argument. Using chapters or headings to separate the different elements of support for your thesis is a critical part of writing a good thesis.

It is important to be adaptive when you are writing a thesis. Whether or not your thesis is making a novel contribution to the existing literature, there is a very strong chance that you will find evidence that might make you modify your original thesis as you proceed with your research. Do not get discouraged if this occurs when you are writing your thesis. This is a normal part of the research process. If this occurs while you are writing your thesis, you should talk to your advisor and ask them for advice on how they believe that you should proceed. Given that writing a thesis means working closely with your thesis advisor or thesis supervisor, it is important that you keep your thesis supervisor updated regarding changes to your thesis resulting from your research.

Finally, keep in mind that, if you plan on obtaining a doctoral degree or continuing in academic, your thesis can represent the sources of your first scholarly publication. Adapting your thesis so that is can be published as a peer-reviewed journal article is a common practice that allows many junior academics to obtain their first publication. Given that academic is based on the logic of “publish or perish,” you may want to consider transforming your thesis into a journal article by shortening it. Unemployed Professors can provide assistance in terms of preparing a thesis for publication as many of our writers have published extensively in peer-reviewed journals. Given that the publication process can be tedious and involve significant revisions to form and content, be prepared for being adaptable in relation to making such potential changes when you are writing a thesis that you intend to publish.


Unlike essays or smaller-scale researcher paper, a thesis must typically be written on the basis of the style guides provided by your institution. Given that universities maintain databases of the theses created within their walls indefinitely, they insist on specific page formatting requirements, referencing systems and other elements which are specific to the institution. As a first step in formatting your thesis, you must absolutely discover what your university’s thesis format style is. Most universities will make such a style guide available online or through their office for graduate studies. If you do not comply with the requirements of your university’s thesis formatting guide, your university may reject your thesis and delay the obtention of your degree even if you pass your thesis’ oral defense. It is thus imperative that you ensure you are respecting your institution’s thesis formatting guidelines as you are writing and editing your thesis so that you can graduate from your program on time.


The differences between research papers and theses are mostly tied to length and sophistication. Almost every course that you take during your undergraduate or graduate education will require that you write a research paper. A thesis is unique in that you will typically only write one so as to obtain a given degree. Every thesis is a research paper but not every research paper is a thesis. With regards to length, all theses are longer than research papers. In this respect, the length of a thesis is tied to its sophistication and the role that it plays in representing the final step for obtaining your degree. The question of sophistication is tied to the manner by which a thesis is meant to be the final step in your degree. A master’s thesis will typically require that you engage in at least some original research while an undergraduate thesis will involve a far greater degree of examination of the existing literature than any research paper you have written before. While you should approach writing a thesis in the same way that you would approach writing research paper, you must recognize the unique nature of a thesis so as to ensure that it is accepted by your supervisor or committee, and that you can graduate on time.